tb.lx: a startup within the corporate

Marcos Gonçalves
2 min readOct 13, 2019

5 weeks have passed since I joined tb.lx (formerly known as Daimler Trucks & Buses Tech and Data Hub) and now working under a new brand, it’s time to re-focus the company around our “why”, “what” and “how”.

Why do we exist?

The automotive ecosystem is changing rapidly. Vehicle ownership is not the standard business model anymore, due mobility services disruption in the status quo. In parallel, ecological sustainability is key today and all main manufacturers are reshaping the way they built their power units towards a more eco-friendly setup. On top, everyone feels “data as the new oil”, by leveraging decision making processes on big data. Even though these key takeaways are largely associated to passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles (trucks, buses) will play a key role in how the transportation & logistics areas are perceived. With this in mind, one of oldest & prestigious automotive manufacturers — Daimler — decided to trigger a digital transformation within Trucks & Buses line of business. The tool for that? tb.lx

What do we do?

We unlock data patterns around mobility services and shape them in valuable solutions to serve Daimler or any other external partner, in need to ride the wave for digital transformation.

How we do it?

We operationalize our vision in 3 main pillars: Innovation, Products and Services. Each pillar is supported by a multidisciplinary team able to manage each step of the value chain, since business case inception until solution rollout. Nevertheless we never saw ourselves as “one more consultancy company”. We aim to be business partners, not just providers; focus on products rather than stand-alone solutions; promote discovery and not only delivery (focus on ideation); more than respecting the standards, we want to disrupt the market; more than getting diverse roles we want diverse minds.

So if you have a mobility project starting up (even outside Daimler ecosystem) and you would like to grab a coffee and discuss a possible partnership, please engage us!

